Romantic Fiction
Stark prophecy to contemplate
A horror show
Some people love it
Grim calculations correlate
But freedom-lovers rise above it
What a joke, the planet's dying
Just ignore them, they'll keep trying
No mystery why life is good, and
They'd live like us if they could and
So tonight the world's on fire
Strung out on romantic fiction
Let me know your heart's desire
There can be no contradiction
No lessons learned from history
A taste of blood
Some people crave it
All bridges burned for you and me
Destroy the village now to save it
What a joke, the planet's dying
Just ignore them, they'll keep trying
No one will take our liberty
Nobody said that life comes free and
So tonight the world's on fire
Strung out on romantic fiction
You can have your heart's desire
We'll accept no contradiction
And tonight the world's on fire
Strung out on romantic fiction
Satisfy your heart's desire
Let it be your valediction
What a joke, the planet's dying
Just ignore them, they'll keep trying
No one will live except us few
That's the best that we can do and
What a joke, the planet's dying
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